Behind the Helmet: The Life of Joe Roth

Joe Roth was an exceptional athlete, but the thing that made him special was that he was an extraordinary human being. His life was tragically cut short by cancer just three months before his 22nd birthday. In his short 21 years, Joe touched many people and his story, while tragic, has a very positive and powerful message that still rings true today.

Joe lived with class and he died with dignity. His football success brought him a great deal of individual attention which he shied away from and shared with his teammates. He was determined to battle his cancer and live his life without pity, excuses, blame, and special attention. Joe taught his teammates, coaches, professors, classmates, friends, fans, and family members to cherish life and to never take a moment for granted.

Joe's life still serves as a model for all of us to live with faith, humility, and courage.
"Dying is not so tough. For the last three years I've lived with the realization that the next day might be my last. I'm lucky to be here as long as I was, so don't feel any pity. A lot of people younger than me and older than me have to face up to this sort of thing. I'm nothing special. I'm Joe Roth, a student and a football player."
– Joe Roth